Indices present a sample of the whole economic condition in a certain country.

For example, the DowJones 30 reflects the weighted average of the largest 30 publicly owned companies in the United States, when the collective value of those stocks rises, the DowJones index rises.

AX Financials presents to you the majorly traded indices around the world shown in this table:




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Product Symbol Exchange Product margin Minimum spread (pips) Average spread (pips) Typical spread (pips) Trading hours
Aussie 200 AUS200 SFE 1% 3.9 3 3 Monday 09:50 - Saturday 06:59
China 50 CN50 N/A 1% 150 Not Available Not Available Monday 00:01 - Friday 23:58
Euro 50 EU50 EUREX 1% 3 3.00733 3 Monday 08:00 - Friday 22:00
French 40 FRA40 EUREX 1% 3 Not Available Not Available Monday 08:00 - Friday 22:00
German 30 GER30 EUREX 1% 2 4.5 4.5 Monday 08:00 - Friday 22:00
Hong Kong 50 HK50 HFE 1% 10 Not Available Not Available Monday 09:15 - Friday 23:45
Japan 225 JPN225 OSE/CME 1% 30 3 3 Monday 08:00 - Saturday 07:00
Nasdaq 100 USTECH CME 1% 2 2.2 2.2 Monday 00:01 - Friday 23:58
Netherlands 25 NETH25 EUREX 1% 3 Not Available Not Available Monday 08:00 - Friday 22:00
Spain 35 SPAIN35 MRV 1% 5 Not Available Not Available Monday 08:00 - Friday 22:00
UK100 UK100 LIFFE 1% 0.8 3.73561 4.05 Monday 08:00 - Friday 22:00
US 2000 US2000 N/A 1% 10 1.41 1.41 Sunday 18:00 - Friday 17:00
US 30 US30 N/A 1% 3 3.10154 3.1 Sunday 18:00 - Friday 17:00
US 500 US500 CME 1% 5 5 5 Sunday 18:00 - Friday 17:00

Please note that all our spreads are variable and dependent on the underlying market prices. In normal conditions we can usually offer our ‘minimum’ spread but these will increase when the underlying market spread widens. Market prices can widen at illiquid times of the day or when major news or economic data is released.

The ‘minimum’ spread shows the tightest spread available for any given product. The ‘average’ and ‘typical’ spread shows the average (mean) and the most common (mode) respectively in a 24 hour period. These are updated for the last trading day of each month.

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